Facelift and Neck Lift – Platysmaplasty

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Features of ageing in the face and neck include sagginess (ptosis), wrinkling and laxity (looseness). Loss of definition of the jawline and neck occurs, and fat deposition in undesired areas and fat loss in desired areas contribute to the aged look. Although many non-surgical treatments address the superficial layers of the skin, sagginess is in most cases only effectively corrected by surgery. Triangular shape of the face in youth, often becomes rectangular with age. Assessment of photographs comparing those in youth versus those in later years often reveal this feature. Formation of jowls, nasolabial folds, submental (under the chin) fat deposition are common features involved in face and neck ageing.

Facelift surgery aims to restore a youthful appearance. There are many types of facelifts performed by different surgeons such as SMAS facelift, MACS facelift, short scar facelift, mid facelift, and deep plane facelift. The facelift technique which has given me the most consistent and long-lasting results has been the extended SMAS facelift. In combination with platysmaplasty or manipulation of the neck muscle improvement in jawline and neck contours are seen. Neck lift surgery alone is sometimes performed in men to rejuvenate the jawline and chin region.

Facelift surgery is performed in a hospital and/or day surgery centre. Markings are performed prior to surgery for placement of incisions to minimise scars. Direction of skin shift and deep tissue shifts are very important to achieve a natural looking appearance post-surgery. The addition of fat grafting and removal of fat in different areas add to the achievement of an aesthetic outcome. The surgery can last between 3-6 hours depending on the procedures involved. Drainage tubes are used to reduce swelling. Overnight stay is required in most patients. Stitches are removed between 5 and 7 days and most patients are presentable to go in public with makeup by about 10 days, although this can vary.

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