

noun tummy tuck 1729701 Abdominoplasty 1


An abdominoplasty aims to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and in most cases tighten the abdominal wall. Patients who commonly undergo this procedure include those following significant weight loss whether by intention or following bariatric surgery as well as post pregnancy. During a consultation an assessment is made as to the suitability of this procedure as some patients may be suitable for liposuction only, rather than an abdominoplasty.

The operation is performed under general anaesthesia. The incision is made under the bikini line or in the folds of the abdomen to conceal the final scar as much as possible. The incision is short in some instances and often referred to as a “mini abdominoplasty”. The muscles are tightened, and the umbilicus (belly button) may be repositioned. Drainage tubes may or may not be used in the surgery. The incision is closed in multiple layers to provide strength and integrity.

The hospital stay is usually one to two nights. It may take up to 6 weeks to achieve full recovery. Complications of this surgery include wound breakdown, hematoma, seroma (fluid collection) and deep vein thrombosis.

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