Any surgical procedure can carry risks and untoward results. Dr Randle and his team provides the utmost care in preventing complications however one must be aware that the practice of surgery is not an exact science, and risks are associated with all procedures.
General Risks:
Bleeding: This risk is increased in patients who have a tendency towards bruising easily, those on blood thinners and blood vessel fragility. Medicines such as aspirin, NSAID’s, vitamin E and herbal products increase the risk of bleeding and patients are advised to avoid taking them preoperatively.
Infection: Human bodies carry bacteria which can infect wounds. Wound care advice is given to patients and prophylactic antibiotics are used when necessary to prevent infection.
Bruising and Swelling: Bleeding into tissues and disturbance in lymphatic flow can result in bruising and swelling. Seromas or collection of fluid in confined spaces may require surgical drainage.
Pain: Although efforts are made to minimise pain by the use of local anesthetics and wound care, pain can occur postoperatively. medications are prescribed by an anesthetist to ease recovery.
Scarring: Our bodies heal wounds and incisions by forming a scar. The degree of scarring varies by many factors including genetics, placement of incisions or surgical complications such as bleeding and infection. Scar management is an essential component of cosmetic surgery.
Anesthetic Complications: General anesthesia carries risks related to the effects of sedation, ventilation and intravenous drugs. our anesthetists discuss the risks and outline them to our patients.
Death: Although extremely uncommon this risk is always present in any medical setting.
Undesirable Cosmetic Outcome: The practice of surgery is not an exact science and undesirable results can occur. Realistic goals are discussed at consultation, and our practice attempts to minimise complications in prevention of undesirable outcomes.
Although not an exhaustive list, some of the possible complications are listed by regional surgeries below.
Facial Surgery: bleeding, infection, hematoma, numbness, asymmetry, skin loss, nerve injury and scarring.
Breast Surgery: implant related complications, scarring, bleeding, asymmetry, infection, nipple sensitivity alternations, hematoma, wound break down and anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL).
Body Surgery: seroma, uneven contours, bleeding, wound breakdown, infection, scarring, hematoma, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism.
Adverse effects specific to a particular procedure are discussed at consultation and pre-operatively.
Educational pamphlets are given at consultation and are endorsed by the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons.